Just finished the cover for the final issue of PvN v2! I'm just waiting for approval. I'll post the image as soon as Blogger's image upload let's me... I do want to take some time to mention the fact that I've really enjoyed working on this latest issue of Pirates. I liked the story, and while my pencils in this issue weren't the best, the backgrounds I colored for the issue were the most fun I've had in a while. This cover was also a lot fun. I loved doing a sort riff on the covers Arthur Suydam has been doing for Marvel. Suydam is one of my favorite artists and I get a kick out of seeing him become such a major success after all these years. He was always known, but to see him blow up like this is a real gas! I certainly loved Zombifying our Pirates cover, let me know what you think when I finally get to upload it! Update: Image posting works again!