Pirates vs Ninjas... The End?
Just finished the cover for the final issue of PvN v2! I'm just waiting for approval.
I'll post the image as soon as Blogger's image upload let's me...
I do want to take some time to mention the fact that I've really enjoyed working on this latest issue of Pirates. I liked the story, and while my pencils in this issue weren't the best, the backgrounds I colored for the issue were the most fun I've had in a while. This cover was also a lot fun. I loved doing a sort riff on the covers Arthur Suydam has been doing for Marvel. Suydam is one of my favorite artists and I get a kick out of seeing him become such a major success after all these years. He was always known, but to see him blow up like this is a real gas!
I certainly loved Zombifying our Pirates cover, let me know what you think when I finally get to upload it!
Update: Image posting works again!